Sunday, June 24, 2018

When you look at the calendar...

... And realize years have gone by since your last post. I'm still here, Spindles and More is still here. Keeping up with everything takes a lot of energy. I've made more spindles, which are on the website. I've been working on finishing another grouping of market bags. They take about two days each, if I work on them exclusively. I'm also working on doing an inventory of my yarn so I know what I have to work with. I've finished a few shawls and have discovered that I love working on them, but I don't wear them after they are finished. So it occurred to me that I could offer them for sale at shows as well as online. My biggest struggle with this ides is that there is no way to "make money" from them. There is no profit to be had if I actually want to pay myself even minimum wage for the time it takes to knit the shawls and other pieces. Handcrafters understand this, but the general public (whom I picture purchasing these items) may not have an understanding of it. So do I charge a "fair" price and risk not selling any of them or do I devalue my work to the point that I might be able to cover the cost of the yarn, but not the time or knowledge required to create the piece I'm trying to sell?

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