Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Forever and future plans

School is over for this year (my last day was June 6) and while I have a couple school-related projects to work on this summer (when do teachers not have this), I'm putting them off and taking at least this week off before beginning on them. On the happy notes of Spindles and More, I sold two spindles a bit back (can't remember if I posted then or not) and I need to plan for another open house event, here at my home. I haven't chosen a date and I'll need to be careful to give myself plenty of planning, prep, organizing and baking time. I know I need to give several weeks notice for people to get the word out and I have to dodge the times I will be away from home as well (obviously). Incidentally, besides my spindles and hand painted scarves and blouses (the fundraiser for Talita Cumi), this time the open house may have some knitted bunnies for sale as well. I'll have to see if I can make them fast enough to be worthwhile as knitting them from sock yarn makes for the cutest small bunnies, but takes a lot of time for such a small critter. We'll see.

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